Sunday, August 17, 2008

Travel - Writing Experiment Day 1

Normally I am a pretty sedentary character. I sit in my mountain hideout day after day reading about the goings on in the world. Occasionally getting to talk to, well, type to new people all across the world. Talking on the phone with people I work with and maybe an occasional family member. This has worked well enough for me in the past.

At the end of last year my sister announced that she was moving. She found a nice little area in Oregon and decided that she wanted to relocate up there. For most people that wouldn’t mean much. Just a wave goodbye and a phone call once a week. I’m not that kind of person. For me it’s meant several loads of furniture and boxes, several trips to help her fix up her new place. And soon it will mean another trip. I am glad that I have the flexibility to be able to travel up to help her out.

In a few days I am set to go back up there again. This time I’m going to fly. I love to fly. If they would let me I’d gladly let the pilot take a break and I’d sit in for them. Flying is the closest thing to magic we have nowadays. Within a matter of hours you can be thousands of miles away. Although for me, I usually spend just as much time at the airport as I do in the air. I have been held at ticket counters while people play with their terminals trying to make sure that this guy with the normal name isn’t dangerous. I regularly get searched at any security checkpoint. I have gotten searched at the checkpoint, walked 30 feet to the gate and been randomly selected to be searched again. That is my only nightmare when it comes to flying. Some foul up with a scanner and not only do I miss my flight, but they ship me off to somewhere to be interrogated about my completely normal name.


  1. You really do have the most normal name in the Universe.

  2. It's my curse. Normal name for a normal guy. Well, maybe not so normal of a guy.
